Welcome to the Site of Ed!

I am a Christian

I am a Christian. I am a Christian because I know I am a sinner and cannot live by Old Testament rules and have accepted that only Jesus can be my savior from an eternity in hell. I believe that Jesus is the son of God and came to die on the cross for our sins. I pray for everyone who has not and I hope I will not be judged too harshly for the ones that could have been saved.

Is the Bible true?

So much from the Bible is matched with historical documents from history that I find it hard to see how people are denying the Bible is true. Even our time is counted from the time of Christ. It was so important to the people & governments then that they began tracking time from his life. As we get farther removed from it, it is becoming easier to attempt to deny a fact so strong that calendars were changed to track all time since then. People are even trying to change the standard BC from the calendar to BCE to try to remove any reference to Christ from life. Even if they succeed, they will still have to look at their calendars and know that the number still counts from the time of Christ and nothing else. Pray for them that they see the light because they are actually fighting against God and that is an uphill fight.

Even scientists are beginning to see parallels in the "Big Bang" and creation spoken of in Genesis. No one was there and heard the voice of God, but I bet it was nothing short of impressive! The Bible has many accounts of God speaking and each of the people that heard it were in awe. At one time, the "scientific community" believed the Earth was flat. I think today they still do not know everything and are still discovering the wonders of the universe.

Faith in Society

When I was younger, I was shocked when prayer was banned in schools. Now Christian groups are losing public funds because they allegedly discriminate against people of same sex relationships. I can't imagine we would have begun down this slippery slope, but we are going and going quickly. Will we be at a point where Christians will be discriminated against because the Bible says that "man should not lay with another man like he lays with a woman" in the Old Testament and "God's plan was for one man and one woman" in the New Testament. Uninformed people try to seize on the shellfish argument, but fail since they don't read or understand what they are talking about. The other fail is that they point to was that Jesus never mentions the word homosexuality in his ministries. That is because that word is very new and recently added to the lexicon. It was actually listed as a disease and treated as one until political correctness had it removed.